description of the Good Knight /permissions-wizard command
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description of the Good Knight /permissions-wizard command
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The Permissions Wizard feature must be activated by your Good Knight admin. Check /settings
to view the current settings in your server
Temporarily grant yourself elevated permissions and view the permissions and commands you have access to
The Permissions Wizard is a key Good Knight feature that allows security along with flexibility. As a moderator, it gives you password protected access to use dangerous discord permissions while minimizing the risk.
To start, execute /permissions-wizard
and enter your Good Knight password. You will be able to view the permissions and commands that you are able to use in a quick summary. To have these permissions toggled on or off, the server owner or Good Knight admins can use the /manage-mods
For any permissions that has been toggled on by your server owner or Good Knight admins, you have two possibilities:
If the Permissions Wizard is active, the mod will be able to temporarily access any of the permissions toggled on. This allows the mod the power to use Discord as it was meant to be, but with the safety of password protection!
Some specific commands require the mod to be assigned certain permissions, even if the Permissions Wizard is deactivated. These commands are marked with ⓟ
For example, a mod has the Create Announcement
permission. They now have access to the /post
command which can be used to have Good Knight send a secure message in any channel. Even channels that the user cannot send messages in (this is great for protecting announcement channels). In addition, if the Permissions Wizard is active they can select it from the drop-down menu to be temporarily given this permission. With the Create Announcement
permission, they are now given the ability to send a message in any channel that they can view and mention users with @everyone, @here, or @<roles>. Once the temporary permission expires, their permissions return to normal.
Create Announcement
Add Reactions Attach Files Embed Links Mention Everyone Read Message History Send Messages Send Messages in Threads Use External Emojis Use External Stickers Use Application Commands
Manage Messages
Manage Messages
Kick Members
Kick Members
Ban Members
Ban Members
Timeout Members
Timeout Members
Manage Roles
Manage Roles
Manage Channels
Manage Channels
Manage Threads
Manage Threads Create Public Threads Create Private Threads
Manage Nicknames
Manage Nicknames
Manage Events
Manage Events
Manage Emojis
Manage Emojis & Stickers
View Audit Logs
View Audit Logs
Manage Webhooks
Manage Webhooks
Manage Server
Manage Server Use Application Commands
All of the above
Server owner and Good Knight admins have access to all permissions by default
Temporary permissions granted to a user give them the ability to use those permissions in any channel that they can view. The only exception is the Administrator
permissions which will give the mod access to every channel. Temporary permissions can be revoked by any Good Knight admin or mod by clicking the Revoke Permissions
button in the Good Knight logs channel.