
description of the Good Knight /post command

Required permissions from manage-mods: Create Announcement


/post <channel>

  • Optional: <role>


Send a secure embed, plain text message, or mention through Good Knight

Tips and Tricks


Allows a Good Knight mod to post a message in the specified channel. The message can be an embed, plain text, or mention only message. This command is useful for sending messages with links that haven't been registered. With the correct setup, this command can be used to password-protect mass mentions!

When executing the /post command, you must provide a channel in your server to send the message (<channel>). You also have the option to specify a role for your message to tag.

Then the bot will prompt you with three different methods for sending a post:

  • Embed message (pretty)

  • Plain text post

  • Mention only

After selecting a message type, you will be prompted to select if your message should tag nobody, @everyone, or @here.

Discord does not support pings from @ mentions in Embed Post messages. To ping @ everyone or @ here, use this method. To ping @ <role>, add the role along with the slash command <role>

Embed Post

If the Embed Post option is selected, you will have the opportunity to fill out a form that will turn your message into those pretty-looking message boxes that bots send!

The first step is to fill out the info that you'd like to post. You can build four separate sections:

  • Message title

  • URL that clicking the message title redirects you to

  • Image shown in your embed

  • Main message content

    • allows user @ mentions, channel # mentions, and role @ mentions (if you add R! after the role mention)

💡 Due to discord limitations, the best method for adding mentions/emojis is to type the message in discord and then copy/paste it into the embed prompt

Once you have filled out the form, click Submit and Good Knight will show you a preview of the output. An example is shown below. You will have the opportunity to Edit the embed, Cancel the post, or Publish your message.

When posted, the embed will include the avatar and username of sender and a footer that states that the message is secure.

Plain Text Post

If the Plain Text Post option is selected, you will fill out a form that will post a message in the typical plain text message format. The benefit of this format is that any user or role mentions that you add will ping those users!

💡 Due to discord limitations, the best method for adding mentions/emojis is to type the message in discord and then copy/paste it into the embed prompt

Once you have filled out the form, click Submit and Good Knight will show you a preview of the output. An example is shown below. You will have the opportunity to Edit the embed, Cancel the post, or Publish your message.

When posted, an embed will appear below the message stating who sent it and notifying users that the message is secure.

Mention Only

If the Mention Only option is selected, you will be prompted to select @everyone or @here to ping. You can also send a role ping through the optional slash command input. The benefit of this format is that you can post a normal message and then access the password-protected mentions to mass ping users!

When posted, an embed will appear below the message stating who sent it and notifying users that the message is secure.


Option 1: The Good Knight bot should have these permissions:

  • Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles

Option 2: Alternatively, the Good Knight bot could have these permissions in the channel the message will be sent:

  • Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles

Option 3: A role being mentioned by the Good Knight bot could have these permissions. ⚠️Warning - this setting will allow any user to tag the role

  • Allow anyone to @mention this role


The Good Knight bot must have these permissions in the channel the message will be sent:

  • View Channel

  • Send Messages

  • Embed Links

Last updated