Anti-link Pro

super-charged anti-link features to prevent scammers and spammers from bypassing basic anti-link

While basic Anti-link focuses on stopping URLs that create hyperlinks in discord, Anti-link Pro catches a much wider range of potential links. By now, most scammers have discovered methods to avoid detection by anti-link moderation and it's almost impossible to stop them. That's why we have created Anti-link Pro! With our proprietary link detection system, Anti-link Pro can keep your server free from link spam and scam attempts.

Anti-link Pro uses the same exact allowlist system as basic Anti-link to keep it convenient for you. Any link registered will be allowed for bot Anti-link systems. See the basic Anti-link page for more info.

Note that Anti-link Pro only moderates messages sent by users to avoid over-restricting bots but basic Anti-link will still moderate bot messages.

Disclaimer: There are always ways to sneak links past a bot. Good Knight's goal is to remove most common link sharing methods without restricting normal users. Because Anti-link pro covers a wider range of link moderation, expect false positives to occur more often

Last updated

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