Good Knight mod Quick Start Guide
Congratulations! Your server admin has given you permissions as a Good Knight mod. Now what?
Last updated
Congratulations! Your server admin has given you permissions as a Good Knight mod. Now what?
Last updated
Set your password with /password-manage
Review and test the permissions you can access with /permissions-wizard
Do this ASAP! Leaving your account without a password could allow a hacker to set your password and access Good Knight commands
You will not be able to access any commands until you have set your password. Run the /password-manage
command. Any command that requires a password must be used in the Good Knight admin channel, usually named #good-knight-admin
. If you do not have access to the Good Knight admin and/or Good Knight log channels, ask your server admin to give you these permissions in the channels:
View Channel
Send Messages
Use Application Commands
Review the permissions that you that you have access to with the /permissions-wizard
command. Using this command, try out the process of requesting and revoking your temporary permissions from the #good-knight-logs
channel. For complete security, make sure that you only have access to dangerous permissions through the Permissions Wizard.
If your server has anti-link protection or anti-webhook protection enabled
When a message contains an unapproved link or is from an unregistered webhook in a channel that Good Knight is monitoring, the message will be auto-deleted and reposted in the Good Knight logs channel, usually named #good-knight-logs
. Good Knight will repost the full message along with a list of the links/webhooks that were moderated and a drop-down menu for quick registering links/webhooks. Remember, Good Knight also monitors messages and webhooks sent by other bots!
To check what links and channels have been registered, run the /link-manager
and /channel-manager
commands. Any channel that your Good Knight admin registered may follow different settings!
If there's a link that should be allowed, you can register it with Good Knight and the bot will no longer delete messages sent with that link. Links can be registered or unregistered using the /link-manager
command. As an alternative, links can be registered directly from a drop-down menu sent with the deleted message in the #good-knight-logs
Links can be registered in two different ways:
Specific Link
- Only this exact URL will be allowed in your server
Global Link
- URL domains and path parts are registered which allows any other URL containing that exact structure to be posted in your server. For example: if you register
, messages including links like will be allowed
The best way to post an announcement is using Good Knight's Permissions Wizard. Use the /permissions-wizard
command and select Create Announcement
from the drop-down menu. This will temporarily give you access to send messages and ping @everyone, @here, and @<role> in any channel that can view. In addition, when you have a temporary permission from the Permissions Wizard, you are immune to Good Knight's anti-link. This make posting announcements both safe and easy!
Alternatively, you can use the /post
command to create fancy-looking embedded messages or if you're ultra-concerned about security. Embedded messages are a great way to share lots of content in a formatted and pretty way. The /post
command provides you with a way to build these embed messages right from discord.
Security minded servers following the shielded mass mentions method restrict your use of @everyone, @here, and @<role> mentions, and place them behind Good Knight password protection. You can create announcements or mass mention people through the /post
command, and even create pretty looking embedded messages this way.
The /post
command also provides a quick way to share an unregistered link without having to go through the link registration process. This is especially useful for links that you will only be sharing once.
If your server uses locked mod commands
Moderation commands such as /kick
and /ban
are available straight from Good Knight. If your server is security focused, these commands may only be available to mods through Good Knight. This adds an extra layer of protection to prevent you from being kicked or banned by a hacker. Alternatively, you can request Kick
or Ban
permissions from the Permissions Wizard to temporarily access these abilities.