Quick Start Guide

are you interested in keeping your server members safe from hackers and compromised bots? You're in the right place! This guide will walk you through setting up Good Knight in your Discord server


  1. Add Good Knight to your server

  2. Drag its role above any active role

  3. Server owner runs /setup and follows the walkthrough

  4. Create moderators with /manage-mods

Invite Good Knight to your server

Good Knight invite link: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=957481307405975552

Note: For the rest of this Quick Start Guide, it is assumed that Good Knight was given Administrator permissions.

Good Knight asks for Administrator permissions to protect against a hacker creating new channels that are hidden from the bot. This permission is not required but is necessary for the most secure setup. Alternate permission setups are discussed here

Server setup

When added to your server, Good Knight will create its own role. This role should be dragged up towards the top of the role list. Just below any cold admin roles. Good Knight is your last line of defense against hackers and compromised bots. Its role should be above any other security or moderation bots (Wick, Dyno, Beemo, Security, etc.).

The Good Knight Permissions Wizard has the power to grant temporary permissions to your moderators. If this feature is activated, it is recommended to remove dangerous permissions from all active users in the server. Be sure to check for both role and channel overwrite permissions. Instead, admins and mods can be safely granted temporary permissions through the Permissions Wizard!

For a sample role setup, see below

Sample Role Setup

Below shows a discord server theoretical role hierarchy.

  • Cold Admins are at the top and are an important security mechanism for any discord server. They should have the ability to kick Good Knight. Users with the Cold Admin role are the only users that should have the Administrator permission

  • Good Knight bot is next, above the other bots

  • Other security and moderation bots are 3rd. These bots may require Administrator permissions. ⚠️ If any bot is above Good Knight, there's a risk that a hacker could use the bot to kick the Good Knight!

  • Staff and Moderators follow. These are active team accounts that should not have Administrator or other dangerous permissions but may have access to security and moderation features through bot commands

  • The general server Members follow and should have the minimum permissions needed

  • Other Bots are last. The bots in this category have specialized use cases like meme-ing, website feeds, games, etc. In most cases, it is best practice not to create a special role for these bots. Instead, add them to the Members role and address their permissions individually.

Beware that users with Administrator permissions in any role above the Good Knight role will be able to kick/ban the bot. This includes other bots above the Good Knight role! This is a risk if they are compromised

Good Knight /setup

This step must initially be completed by the server owner!

The server owner can begin Good Knight setup by running the /setup command in any channel.

  • Run the /setup command

  • Follow the walk-through prompts

  • Once a Good Knight admin has been selected, the owner can choose to either continue the setup or have the Good Knight admin continue for them

Setup Details

After running /setup, Good Knight will walk the server owner through a 5-step process.

1. Setup Admin Channels

Good Knight will ask the owner whether they would like Good Knight to automatically or manually setup the admin channels. Select "Auto-create Admin Channels". Good Knight will create the #good-knight-admin and #good-knight-logs channels.

  • #good-knight-admin - Important Good Knight events and bot notifications are shared in this channel

  • #good-knight-logs - Most Good Knight actions will be logged here, including deleted links/webhooks and temporary permission access

2. Select Password Method

Good Knight will ask the server owner to select which password method will be used in the server: password, authenticator, or 2FA. Once the owner selects a method, they will be prompted to setup their password and/or authenticator access. For more information on password methods, see the password section.

3. Select Good Knight Admins

Good Knight will ask the server owner to choose users to be the Good Knight admins. These users will be able to use potentially dangerous features like registering channels so that they allow any link, giving Good Knight mod permissions to other users, modifying the Good Knight setup, or reset other user's passwords. Select Good Knight admins that you trust. It is recommended for the server owner to select their second, "active" account as a Good Knight admin or their server's security expert.

4. Follow Good Knight Updates

It is recommended to follow the Good Knight updates channels so that you stay up to date with the latest security features and changes to how Good Knight works.

5. Activate Features

Once the first 4 steps are completed, Good Knight is setup but you still need to choose which security features to activate from the drop-down menu. This task can be completed by the server owner or any of the selected Good Knight admins. The menu options allow you to select how Good Knight will operate in your server. This includes the Good Knight updates feed, Permissions Wizard, Panic Mode, anti-link, anti-webhook, moderations, etc.⚠️ Other bots that block webhooks may affect updates feed setup. You may need to whitelist Good Knight or the webhook with that bot.

For full /setup command details, click here

Create Good Knight mods

Once setup is complete, the owner and Good Knight admins can set their password and begin selecting users as Good Knight mods who can help manage the server.

  1. Give trusted users Good Knight permissions and mod access with /manage-mods

  2. Good Knight mod should set their password with /password-manage as soon as possible

Test the Permissions Wizard

One of the most advanced features of Good Knight is its password protected temporary permissions, a.k.a the Permissions Wizard. To understand how this works, it's a great idea to try out the Permissions Wizard with one of your mods. You can learn more about the Permissions Wizard here.

When anti-link is active, Good Knight will delete any message including an unapproved link. Link and channel registration is a key feature that allows you to customize which links are trusted. The link registration list is managed using:

Register Webhooks

When anti-webhook is active, Good Knight will delete any messages sent by an unapproved webhook, unless that webhook is registered, and remove unregistered webhooks from your server. It also moderates any webhooks including Open webhooks, Channel Follows, and Closed Webhooks. Webhook moderation is managed using:

and can be viewed using the manager or:

Last updated