Scan Links
description of the Good Knight Squire Scan Link context menu option
Last updated
description of the Good Knight Squire Scan Link context menu option
Last updated
Scan Links
To access this command, right-click on any message -> select Apps from the menu -> click Scan Links
Automatically scans a message for potential links and responds with a report of any detected links. This will work anywhere on Discord including in any server, in DM's, and for bot messages. Squire scanning supports all parts of a message including embeds, buttons, menus, etc. A link to the message that was scanned is provided at the top of the Squire report.
To start a scan, right-click any message and select Scan Links
from the Apps drop-down menu.
A Squire report returns 3 different options:
🚨 DANGER - The link is a malicious link. Do not navigate to this link
🚨 SCAM SERVER - The discord server invite is a phishing server. Do not join this server
✅ ALLOWED - The link is a known allowed link
❓ UNKNOWN - The link is not a known malicious or safe link. Exercise caution when visiting
Links marked UNKNOWN and ALLOWED may still contain malicious content. Since websites can become compromised at any time, there is no guarantee that links marked ALLOWED are safe
It is the user's responsibility to assess any links that they navigate to. Squire is not responsible for any damages that occur due to a user visiting any link